After my trip I added more than 10 pages to my web site. You can access them at my Northern BC and Totem Poles index pages.
The Alaska Highway drive was nice and I saw some great animals posing beside the highway. I was reminded once again just how big and empty my home province is. British Columbia is bigger than the combined area of California, Oregon and Washington states.
The surprise and highlight though was the drive from Watson Lake south to Kitwanga and Stewart. The population was sparse, the weather was great and the mountains were simply awesome. I was constantly stopping in the middle of the to take photos. I think that the results were impressive.

I also spent a couple days driving around the totem pole villages of the Kispiox, Bulkley and Skeena River valleys. Each town has an impressive collection of totems. Each town has a different style and manner of displaying their cultural heritage. So far I have only created 'under construction' pages to hold the results.
I was lucky with the weather on most of my trip. I once worked in Kitwanga and I know just how dreary the weather can be in those mountain valleys.
I am still doing research on the local totems. One of the best places that I have found on the net is from Sweden! The Cathedral Grove web site holds to some strange mystical concepts about large trees but they do an excellent job on BC totem poles.
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