I drove across Northern Ontario in mid-August 2008. I was looking forward to visiting that den of iniquity known as Wawa, Ontario. This is a small town on the Trans-Canada Highway that was known in the seventies as being a place where hitch-hikers would apparently spend weeks waiting for the next ride. I never got caught there myself but I heard plenty of stories.

It is also famous as being a boring place where there was nothing to do except look at the great Canadian goose that overlooks the highway. When I arrived on the morning of August 16th I was surprised that there was plenty to see and plenty to photograph.
To my surprise, Wawa has not just one giant goose but three! All are on the way into town on the short detour from the highway. According to the informative information signs, the first goose was built in 1960 but eventually fell into disrepair at a place called Fort Friendship, Ontario. In the year 2000 it was restored and given a new place of honour outside the old-fashioned Young's General Store gas station. This creature weighs 150,000 lbs and stands 27 feet high.
The second goose is made of steel and overlooks the highway beside the local tourist information centre. This one was dedicated upon the highway completion in 1963. It is 28 feet high and weighs 4,400 lbs.

The third great goose is perched nearby on the roof of the Wawa Motor Inn. This one was built in 1961 at the same time as the motel.
There was much more to photograph here, but I will leave something for my next blog.